Parish Awareness Resources

As a Church, we the people of God ‘cannot and must not remain on the side lines in the fight for justice. [We] have to re-awaken the spiritual energy without which justice, which always demands sacrifice, cannot prevail and prosper

(Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est, n. 28a).

About Us

The Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network (ACAN) supports Catholic entities to identify and manage modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains. It also assists Catholic entities and senior executives to report on these actions through preparation of annual Modern Slavery Statements as required by the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018.

Our Values

Respect and protect the Life and Dignity of workers trapped in modern slavery everywhere.

Work towards the Common Good and actively collaborate with all relevant Government, business and community sectors.

Be open, respectful and inclusive with other entities and share learnings and resources which supports the delivery of our Mission.

The Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network (ACAN) has provided these resources so parishes can learn about and take action locally towards ending modern slavery.

Please adapt these resources for your own purpose.

  • ACAN’s parish awareness resource enables a parish to increase awareness of modern slavery.

    Download Resource

  • ACAN’s St Josephine Bakhita toolkit enables parishes to celebrate the life and feast day of St Bakhita, our patron saint.


According to the 2023 Global Slavery Index there are an estimated 50 million people experiencing modern slavery today. Most of us have some awareness that people in developing countries toil in factories, forests, mines and fisheries to produce many of the consumer goods we purchase every day. Production has been outsourced to countries with weak labor rights and enforcement, poor regulations and standards. This makes millions of people vulnerable to exploitation and invisible to the end users of those products.

An estimated 41,000 people are experiencing modern slavery in Australia. People are at-risk in industries with a high reliance on migrant labour and temporary visa holders in industries such as: horticulture, construction, cleaning, security, manufacturing, sex work, domestic work, waste management, labour hire and through forced marriage.

Pope Francis has pledged with other global religious leaders to collectively work together to rid the earth of this affront to human dignity and freedom.
The Holy Father continues to raise his voice against modern slavery and human trafficking. In both Laudato Si and Tutti Fratelli he recognises the intersection of modern slavery with globalisation, environmental destruction, the decline of labour rights, corruption, migration and increasing inequality. 

Learn more about Vatican anti-slavery initiatives at:


The 8th of February is the Feast Day of St Josephine Bakhita – the patron saint of victims of modern slavery and human trafficking.

On this day Catholics are encouraged to pray for all those affected by the crimes of modern slavery and human trafficking, and the people that volunteer and work to eradicate this crime.

Click on the image to download a copy of the Saint Bakhita prayer

Click on the image to download a copy of the Saint Bakhita prayer


We pray for the victims of human trafficking that they may be brought to freedom and rebuild their lives after the traumatic experiences they have suffered.

We pray that St Josephine Bakhita, sold into slavery as a child, intercedes with God for those trapped in a state of slavery, so that they will be released from the shackles of captivity.

We pray for all those who are dedicated to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking that they will have the courage and strength to reach out and overcome challenges.

We pray that by our actions as consumers we always reject as gravely wrong any goods or services tainted with slavery.

We pray for our governments that their laws will protect victims of human trafficking and reject goods and services from sources associated with slavery and forced labour.

We pray that the Church will continue to defend and free victims of human trafficking and be a source of love, hope and faith to bring the vulnerable and enslaved to find healing for their wounds. Amen.

St Josephine Bakhita, Patron Saint of Slavery Victims, Pray for Us.

Catholic Social Teaching is based on the fundamental truth that each and every person – without exception – is made in the image and likeness of God. Each of us, then, is imbued with an innate and inalienable dignity, which must be respected by others. Modern slavery is a direct and heinous attack upon this dignity and is a breach of Human Rights policy.

In solidarity, we are all therefore called, actively and unceasingly, to seek to assist our brothers and sisters who find themselves the victims of the scourge of modern slavery and human trafficking. As it is the goal of each person to do good, it is the aim of society to work towards the common good. We cannot, therefore, allow our brothers and sisters to be enslaved in the production of goods or services for our consumption.

Directory of resources

What People Are Saying

“Catholic Education WA is delighted to be part of this important collaborative effort to work proactively as a Catholic community towards a world in which slavery will be truly confined to history.”

— Strategy and Risk Officer, Catholic Education Western Australia Ltd


“ACAN have demonstrated outstanding leadership through an inclusive, practical and time sensitive approach and this aligns with ACU’s strategic priority to address modern slavery.”

— Procurement Manager, Australian Catholic University


“In addition to the hospitality, healing, and respect we show every day to our patients, clients and residents, it is our duty to do everything possible to uncover and eliminate the risk of slavery in the business side of health services. I’m really excited to be part of ACAN.”

— National Procurement Manager Clinical,

Calvary Healthcare