Catholic Action to End Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery e-Learning
Business partners, suppliers and other stakeholders can access our comprehensive e-learning modules with links and downloads to additional modern slavery resources via the Domus 8.7 e-learning page hosted by Salt/GRC Solutions.
If your business would like to deploy e-learning on your own learning management system to large numbers of staff, please contact us to discuss your needs.
Course modules include:
Modern Slavery 101
This module provides a comprehensive overview of modern slavery practices – who is vulnerable, how and why it occurs. Goods linked to modern slavery through harvesting, processing or mining or raw materials; sourcing components for electronics or furniture; and the manufacture and distribution of products are highlighted. Service sector risks including those within the cleaning, security and hospitality sectors are also explained.
Business Relevance
This module provides a business perspective on modern slavery and why it is important to manage modern slavery risk. The responsibilities of businesses to respect human rights through enhanced corporate due diligence are outlined and the key economic, legislative and stakeholder drivers to manage risk are discussed. A review of Australia’s modern slavery criminal offences and key reporting requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) are included.
Grievance Mechanisms & Remedy
This module provides an overview of grievance mechanisms, remedy obligations and remedy pathways in relation to modern slavery in alignment with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and Commonwealth Guidance for Modern Slavery Act Reporting Entities.
Modern Slavery Risk Management for Suppliers
This module assists suppliers to Modern Slavery Act reporting entities to develop a modern slavery risk management program that aligns with the values of respecting and protecting the rights of all workers. Expectations that suppliers to reporting entities will effectively manage modern slavery risk and the potential implications of enhanced supplier due diligence are outlined and examples provided.
E-Learning for ACAN Participating Entities
Check to see if you are part of ACAN’s participating entities.
ACAN Salt Account
Learners from ACAN participating entities without a learning management system can access training using ACAN’s Salt account. Learners will be temporarily assigned modules and will have one month to complete the training.
For more information please contact:
Your organisation’s Salt Account
ACAN Participating Entities can add the ACAN Modern Slavery course modules for an additional fee (dependent on how many learners and courses) to their existing Salt account making it more widely available and easier to manage internally.
For more information please contact: