Modern Slavery Act Review Announced
Assistant Minister for Customs, Community Safety and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon Jason Wood MP commenced Australia's Modern Slavery Act Review on 31 March and appointed Professor John McMillan AO to lead it over the next 12 months.
Procurement Officers as the new human rights champions
Suffering is very close to home in these days of war, floods and the pandemic.
Our colleagues, families, friends, and communities are experiencing hardship, displacement, injury and illness. The pain is real. It’s visible and it’s often personal….
View of the Church - from the Carpathia or the Californian?
As a past parent – Andrew graduated two years ago – and neighbour, and as chair of St Vincent’s Health Australia, it is a particular honour to follow so many distinguished speakers in the Campion Lecture – and bowing to the pandemic by doing it online. I am conscious of how difficult this year has been, particularly for your senior students, so can I send my very best wishes through any parents who may be watching to every young man approaching the end of their time here.
A Church leader – you can’t mean me?
Let me start by saying that I, like you, earn my living by leading, and I enjoy it. I think I do it well – I know many of you and you do it very well. I also have a lived experience of the Church, whatever the frustrations, of the most extraordinary love and generosity. It is an amazing pillar of strength for what is best in our society, and many of the people I have met – clerics, religious and lay – some of whom are here in this room – have astonished me with their devotion, and love – to their God and to all of us. They have nurtured me, educated me, married and buried my close ones, and been there when I have needed them most.