Modern Slavery e-Learning

Modern Slavery eLearning

You have been invited to complete Modern Slavery training.

As a staff member of a Catholic entity participating the Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network (ACAN) or company supplying to these Catholic entities, staff completion of Modern Slavery E-learning is an important part of our modern slavery risk management program as it will help better equip you to take action in this space.

Important notes

  • You will need to complete eLearning modules in one sitting.

  • At the end of this course you will be asked to complete a short form to confirm your details. These details include:

    • Name, email address, organisation and ABN

  • Before starting your eLearning module, please have the above details ready, including your ABN ready as you will need to provide this to confirm completion.

Modern Slavery 101
Anti-Slavery Taskforce Anti-Slavery Taskforce

Modern Slavery 101

This module provides a comprehensive overview of modern slavery practices – who is vulnerable, how and why it occurs.

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